Check out my cat. He is having the time of his life rolling around on the driveway, isn't he? Do you ever wish you could just enjoy rolling around that much?
So this is my pumpkin post. Haaaaaaalleeluiaaaaaa! Doesn't that gourd look a little angelic?
How do you guys format your pictures so they are all uniform? I had them all at the same size (like 8 inches across) but then they were all too small to use for anything else. So now they're bigger, but too big to put at original size on here, and when I made them extra large, they don't end up the same width.
I have been Netflixin' it up lately. I highly recommend The IT Crowd.
But anyway, this pumpkin patch was utterly deserted. No one was even selling them. We're a family of goodie-two-shoes (how do you make that plural? goodies-two-shoes?) though, so we just took pictures and then went and bought one at Walmart. Ha.
dress, shoes, vest- goodwill
lacey shirt-f21
Just as a reminder, you can
vote for my design in the Modcloth contest once a day. I'm in 9th place right now!