
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Trick Knee

So I finally got my knee surgery scheduled, it's going to be on October 14th. The surgery itself isn't gonna be a big deal; but I will have to take a couple weeks off work to recover. Unfortunately I'm part time and I don't get paid sick days, so I'll be losing an entire paycheck's worth of income next month.

So I'm offering you all a discount in both my Etsy stores for 25% off, in hopes that I can supplement my income some! You can use code NEWKNEE25 in my art shop or my vintage shop! I may be a little slow in sending out orders after surgery hits, but the code will be active til November. If you've ever wanted a custom portrait, now's a great time to help a girl out!

In other news, this crop top was an A+ decision.

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