
Friday, January 2, 2015

Lucky Dragon

My first outfit post of the new year is actually the last outfit of the old year. I spent my new year's eve watching anime with my best pal from college, eating pizza and drinking wine. And my boyfriend came back from Texas!

I've also been playing around with my new Vice 3 palette <3 I haven't worn colored eyeshadow since like, middle school. These colors are Lucky and Dragon.

Top: UO, thrifted from work
Jeans: Gap, thrifted from work
Shoes: Seychelles, thrifted from work
Coat: Jack, thrifted from work
Belt: thrifted from Goodwill
Necklace: Starlight Deco Dream on Etsy


  1. Love the sweater with the coat and that slice of midriff :)

  2. I'm having serious shoe envy right now!!

  3. I love the Vice 3 palette. There are so many great shades to work with! Lucky and Dragon look so pretty together.

    You look adorable in your first outfit post of the year! I have a couple left from last year to post too. You're not alone!

    Happy happy New Year!!

    Jamie |

  4. Your eye makeup is so pretty! I have no idea how to do my own makeup. :( I love the shirt, too!

  5. Love the sexy granny vibes here! haha :) Particularly the sock & heel combo, and that coat - soo so cute!

    <3 Megan

  6. This is so adorable! Like the chicest nerd ever haha. That jacket pulls the whole thing together so well too, thrifted finds are always the best! Your eye-shadow experimentation is beautiful too. I hope you're having a happy new year!
    xoxo Rachel F.
