
Monday, August 25, 2014

Bra Free

There's a couple of things I'm not going to compromise on:
1. I'm not gonna shave.
2. If I don't feel like wearing a bra, I'm not gonna wear a bra.

I understand that there are certain things I can't do at work, like wear crop tops and ripped tights, and that's fine, I can handle it. But keeping my hairy legs and letting the girls loose are two tiny ways that I can promote my ideals, so to speak. We feel ashamed about things like body hair and nipples, and that ain't right, it ain't right at all! I can oppose the patriarchy and still look professional enough for work.

I don't wanna come off like I'm trying to make a big ol' statement here, because bra burning is nothing new. But I do want to do my part in normalizing things that should be considered normal, like a healthy love for our own bodies.

I took these pictures in a corner of our apartment, which is slowly starting to shape up! My plants are doing better already, and I'm so excited about it. I want to find them some pretty pots to make them feel special! Hopefully the place will be cute enough to share on the blog soon.

The last time I wore these shoes to work they killed my feet, so I'm going to bring a backup pair this time.

Dress: Thrifted
Shoes: UO on sale
Necklace: Target


  1. A very pretty color on you- I also like the lace. Sometimes lace can seem too fussy but it is so laid back with this dress.

    Did someone at your work say something about all that?

    1. Luckily, no! It's just on my mind because I'm worried someone's gonna call me out, lol!

  2. You look so pretty in this! Sometimes I just don't feel like wearing a bra either, and I don't! I dunno if I could for work, but in the summer especially, it's so nice to forgo it!

    xox Sammi

  3. You're a beaut for sure, and someone so confident about doing good only adds to that. Thanks for inspiring.


  4. These photos are great, you look so pretty! :) The lighting and plants really liven these shots. Note to self: plants are good back drops for outfit photos pretty much always hah. Seriously love this dress though, it's a dream!

    <3 Megan

  5. This may be my favorite outfit of yours EVER! Love the dress and this color suits you so perfectly. And cheers to bra-hating. My daily leggings and loose tee ensemble very very rarely includes a bra, they're so uncomfortable!

  6. Oh you look so gorgeous, I love the yellow lace! AMEN to you being you and not wearing a bra - it's not like it's inappropriate with an outfit like this anyway so good on you! I hate the stigma of body hair too x

  7. I am envious about your bralessness. XD I am D/DD cup and going without a bra just feel uncomfortable. Even when going to bed. But you look super fabulous!

    1. My sister is the same way! Yeah, when you're wearing a bra for your own comfort rather than cuz society says so, it's def a different situation. You do your thing!


  8. Heck Yeah! Bra free is the way to be! I recently stopped wearing bras as often and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Especially in the summer! It's so hot where I live and it's nice not to have sweaty boobs all the time. That might be TMI, but its true lol.

  9. Yes! Nothing to be ashamed of. I'm a DDD cup, so it can get uncomfortable for me to go without for too long, though I admit I hate wearing the things and have no qualms being sans for a bit if I feel like it, hehe. And I'll never forget being in 5th grade and not wanting to shave my legs yet but being relentlessly made fun of for it from other kids. Seriously, why does it have to be such a thing?

    You look beautiful here - that color and dress is made for you. So pretty!

    1. Wow, it's amazing that we're expected to start shaving in elementary school!! It really shouldn't be a big deal it is literally just hair.

  10. " But I do want to do my part in normalizing things that should be considered normal, like a healthy love for our own bodies." You rock girl!! I keep having this same convo w/ friends, it's such a new beauty ideal too it's crazy. I do shave my legs every few months (cept for the colder months) and wish that I didn't feel like everyone was staring at my because of it in my last office job. also i'm lovin' your new 'do & that color is great on you!

  11. I love this post and I love that dress. I scrolled all the way down in anticipation to find out where you got it but alas, thrift store luck! ;) Go you for forgoing the bra and shaving. I do the same all the time! <3

  12. Hell yeah! And you look beautiful in that yellow dress :)

  13. I definitely agree. It's normal so I don't why people get all weird about things like this. I didn't wear a bra for the longest time or shave my legs.

    I remember in elementary school.. my best friend and I planned to wear shorts the next day. I'm the only one that wore em because she was just too embarrassed. We were only 7 years old. It's terrible that it starts that early.

  14. Good for you! It's true, we're all a little too ashamed of our bodies, aren't we?! Being a smaller breasted gal, I do find it's easier to go without a bra. I have noticed though, after a certain age we ladies seem to stop caring as much! Haha. And beautiful outfit, I love that dress and yellow is so your colour!
