
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sailor Black Hole

I tried my hardest to look like a goth alien today, but my parents just told me I looked like a prostitute. I was like, calm down, ya'll it is not that crazy. My sister said I looked like Sailor Black Hole, though, and that was much closer to what I was going for.

Because my parents disapproved of my outfit, and because my friend told me that taking more than three selfies a day is a disease, and because my sister told me that when she shows people my picture, they say "wow, she's so... interesting" (southern code for ew-that's-weird), I'm kind of in the mood to not be taking any bullshit. Why do other people care so damn much about how other people dress. Like is my weird-ass outfit affecting you?? In any way??? I will take as many selfies as I damn well please, and if you don't like the way I look, avert yo eyes. I am not doing this so that you'll give me a compliment.

I know I'm ranting to the choir, because you guys (I hope) wouldn't be following my blog if you didn't want to see my clothes, but can I get a hear, hear?

Anyway, the real reason I decided to dress slightly "sluttier" than usual was because I got a job! Haay! It's part time at a consignment store, and I'm hoping it'll be a good environment to make some money in while I work on freelance during the rest of my time. I do know that I won't be getting to wear my weirder clothes at work, though, so I'mma get my kicks out on my own time.

I was really excited to take these pictures, because it's under 90 today and I felt like a superstar. I don't think they turned out that great, though. I'm starting to give up on ever being a good photographer. Besides I literally had sweat dripping through all my cracks and crevices by the end of this 15 minute shoot, and I'm in the upstate right now! In Columbia you walk outside and melt into a puddle.

Crop Top: UO Clearance
Skirt: American Eagle Clearance
Shoes: Target Clearance
Necklace: Handmade by Me
Earrings: Etsy

PS. I'm trying out this whole dots-under-the-eyes makeup and I don't think it's cultural reappropriation, but if it is someone let me know and I'll stop.


  1. I feel you with the heat, for real. It's ridiculous and melting is a normal part of life which absolutely shouldn't be the case. I really love the top you're wearing here. It seems perfect for a hot southern day! And you don't look weird. You look awesome! I'd much rather see someone dress with some point of view or some type of style rather than just wear what the crowd wears or something super boring. I sometimes get looks and comments with things I wear too though. I understand!

  2. Ha! I think every parent thinks their daughter looks like a prostitute if they aren't wearing frump clothes.

  3. You look gorgeous! More selfies for everybody! And I hadn't heard anything about dots under the eyes being culturally appropriative, which culture would they be from?

    1. One of the girls I've seen wearing them on the internet also sometimes wears bindis, so I wasn't sure if they were from some eastern religion.

  4. It bothers me so much to see artistic fashion photography reduced to "selfies". Anyone can snap a mirror shot; we put time and effort into choosing settings and setting up these shots!

  5. Okay, so, basically, if you can't wear whatever the heck you want when you are in your twenties than...what are your twenties for. Go for you! Express yourself, have fun. Experiment, find out what you love, what you don't. You look great in this. Also, if it makes you feel better, my father told me that same thing when I dared wear a sheer over=shirt in middle school. Parents secretly always think of you as five, I think.

    Blogging is a funny old thing. I feel the judgmental side of things too ("Why do you take so many pictures of yourself?"). But really. Taking those photos are part of the whole larger project of blogging itself. And hey, even if you want to take that many selfies a day, there are so many reasons that could be behind that. And it isn't hurting anybody so why should others even care if someone takes a ton of selfies or not?

  6. My mom used to look my outfits up and down and sort of scowl (subtly, but it was there), but then someone at the mall or at church or wherever we were would compliment me on it and she'd realize it was fine. I think she was concerned that people would think I was a weirdo. Whatevs.

  7. DUDE I have so totally been trying to dress more like a goth alien. Or at least, I've been thinking about it. I'm so torn because I want to be cute and dress dark and that is exactly wat you've done here so HIGH FIVE TO YOU! (high-fives through the internet hecKYEA)

    That top is absolutely rad. I especially love the back.

  8. I don't think you even look slutty (more like HAWT and it's not the sweat either). Is Sailor Black Hole a reference to a certain TV show? (I just posted about the reboot of SM today so I'm reading into things probably). The back of that top is my favorite part of this outfit.

    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. Haha, no you're right, that's exactly what I was referencing!

  9. Hahaha, the hell with people. I don't see anything wrong with the outfits, it's rad, creative and I love the awesome hairdo! If I have to dress like people tell me to dress, I'd probably have to wear a boring shirt and jeans for the rest of my life. Congrats on the job dear! ^_^

  10. You look so pretty! Love your hair too. I hear you on feeling weird or different, but that just means you're super cool & unique so let freak flags fly, I say! :)


  11. Congrats on the job beautiful!! It's so good to see people not caring what others think. I feel removing that fear and care of judgment will help us lead a happier and more fulfilling life x

  12. Aww these pictures are cute! I think you do just fine as your own photographer. I love how you said you have to save your "slutty" clothes for after work haha! I really love the back of that top though, it's really unique :)

  13. congrats on the new job! "Sailor Black Hole" haha. love the hair tribute to the sailor moon :)

  14. What city do you live in?! Honestly, what you are wearing is kind of the norm around here. Lots of skin, two pieces, and edgy looks. It's the summer norm around here. I'm not sure why people think it's their place to judge. If you look good and feel good, then what the fuck matters? I'm so over people shaming others for their life (and style) choices. It's a bunch of bullshit. So, please, Rachel, keep doing you and stay weird! It's what makes you, you!

    And congrats on the job!!

    1. Yeah, I guess I'm just used to how conservative everyone is here in the Bible belt! Thanks girl.


  15. Congrats on the job and you're totally rocking that look :D

    Some people always feel like their opinion trumps everyone else's. That sort of thing happens too often and I think one day a beast will be released if it ever got towards me. Selfies aren't taken for you, how I dress is not for you, etc. It's 2014.. this is the norm now.
