
Monday, April 28, 2014

Kindly: Hand-Embroidered Quotes

There Is No Wealth But Life Embroidery Hoop Art / 8" Quote Home Decor

Did you guys notice that I got a new button over there on the right sidebar?

I know you guys saw my thesis project, right? Well this is one of my friends', called Kindly! For her thesis, my roomate Amanda made a set of hand-embroidered hoops featuring quotes from the Arts and Crafts movement. She made them to raise awareness for child labor, and a portion of the proceeds from this project will go to Unicef!

There Is No Failure Except In No Longer Trying Embroidery Hoop Art / 8" Quote Home Decor
Happiness is a Habit, Cultivate It Embroidery Hoop Art / 8" Quote Home Decor

Go check it out and support her work!


  1. They are so cute, and what a good cause too! :)
    xo Hannah

  2. Really impressive. I'm always inspired my embroidery but feel that I may lack the patience to apply myself properly. I love your colour combinations.

  3. Hello! I love your patterns, I did a test run of this Rarity (to put on a fleece hat) but I ran into some trouble. It seemed as if the pattern shifted (the body outline) and the mane/tail had issues. I think it was something that was wrong with my fabric/stabilizer . Do you have any tips for embroidering on fleece?

  4. I have noticed the same exact thing! Which is great for me, because I can bring out my clothes and pants with the embroidered patches on them and take the patches off and put them on my daughters. She is absolutely in love with some of the ones we have found so far. And I enjoy reliving the 'good ol' days"

  5. I have never embroidered but would love to try as it looks beautiful. I saw a gorgeous hen pattern on Pinterest in what they called a redwork but it was for machine embroidery :(

  6. Both of these are great! I've not done any cross-stitch for a couple of months now - must find something new for summer. Well done for coming up with your own designs !
