
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Man! I feel like I haven't gotten a decent outfit shoot done in days. Feels good!

So this skirt was the one thing I purchased on Black Friday! It's super swooshy and I love it. I was worried about feeling frumpy since it comes down past my knees and I love a good mini skirt, but really I just felt classic. Which is not something I usually feel!

So as an Illustration major during finals week, I only have one test to study for, and a couple short papers to write. But then I've got this gallery show coming up and my teacher didn't really prepare us for it at all. Like I know how to mat my work properly. So I've been plenty busy getting ready for that and stressing about deadlines. I am a pro at stressing.

Oh and that print behind me there is my fave from my thesis project so far!

Skirt, Necklace: Modcloth
Shirt, Jacket: Thrifted
Shoes: UO
Hat: Walmart
Socks: F21


  1. I like the sweet, vintage-y feel of the skirt and blouse combined with the backwards cap! =P

  2. This outfit is so cute. It's understated, but it has a lot of charm.

    I can't wait to see your thesis!

  3. Love the flirty tomboy vibes of this outfit, that skirt is such a pretty color! I like the new print for school, too :) Have fun finishing your thesis!

    <3 Megan

  4. Even though I often quite enjoy your outfits and how creative they are, it is not that often I see you in an outfit and think "Oh, I'd wear that." Not because they aren't cute, but just a different stages of life thing of being an art college student vs. being almost a decade older and needing to dress conservatively because you are a teacher thing.

    This though? I'd totally wear, and you totally rock wearing. Which to me, is part of what classic is. It is something that works in all seasons of life. You look amazing.

    1. This skirt made me think of you, Kristian! It reminds me of a skirt I borrowed from you in a swap back in the day :)

  5. I love that skirt and blouse, and definitely sympathize on the gallery stress! I've got 3 exhibitions to plan before the summer and I'm freaking out massively. I'd still happy that I'm studying illustration rather than anything else though , even if it is a lot of work :) Good luck with your deadlines!

  6. Hey there, loved your blog, just followed you on GFC (226), would you mind to follow back?

    MandySharesLife FACEBOOK PAGE

  7. Oh I love your new skirt, it is definitely not frumpy. :) I love how it hangs.
    Goodluck with exams!! :D

  8. That outfit is A.W.E.S.O.M.E ! i loveeee the gif at the end! ;)


  9. Love this!! Your hair is so cute short like this and that skirt is gorge! Plus I'm really digging the socks + shoes combo!

  10. love that skirt and how you grunged up the look, super fun! also, huge congrats on being done and hanging your first art show - that is amazing!! and I saw what Hannah posted on fbook... I am so dissapointed in Oasap and glad it's already off the site, but so bummed they must've already gotten some money by stealing your design. BUT on the flipside, do you know what that means? that it is an amazing beautiful print that was so good even a huge corporation thought i'd be great on a sweater. i thought that was kind of nice to think of something cool about it. have you thought of going on redbubble or society 6 w/ some of your prints? i of course would def recommend it : )

    1. Thanks, Dus!
      I'll definitely consider checking those sites out! :)

  11. This outfit is so perfect! You look fantastic.
