
Thursday, August 1, 2013


I'm not going to pick these photos apart but I could if I wanted to.

I took them with my brand new tripod! It's pretty heavy duty, and I wish it collapsed to a nice tiny size like my old one, but at least this one can hold up the DSLR. It was the next step up from the $15 one, so I hope it'll stick around.

So Happy Thursday guys! I've been having a pretty stressful week at work, staying over my usual 5 hours almost every day. At least that means more money! I've also got a lot of freelance work on my plate, which is great, but a lot of it is just for promotion this time around.

Today I wore a plain ol' tshirt and one of my favorite pleated skirts. I like it, though. Casual but not too casual, amiright? Plus a big bow in my hair and one around my waist! Can never wear too many bows imo.

I'm kindof pissed at my hair right now. Probably because I treat it like shit. Having long hair is something I'd never done before and I guess it needs actual maintenance. I'll probably chop it all off someday, but I'm not giving up on it just yet!

Also I've been having some terrible acne for the past couple months! You guys probably haven't noticed, but its on the sides of my face, especially the left side, and my forehead. I've never struggled with acne before, I don't really know what to do! I've been using a regimen I bought at Walmart twice a day, but I'm kindof at a loss! I just hope it doesn't scar.

shirt, shoes: Target (shoes are also a DIY)
skirt: American Eagle
bracelets, earrings: handmade and flea market
necklaces: Modcloth
bow: a gift from my aunt when I was a little kid
rings: Bellatrina on etsy



  1. My hair is the longest it's been in years and I have no idea how to properly take care of it, so I'm in a similar boat as you...!

    I hope things calm down a bit for you with work (unless you don't want it too of course! A little extra pocket change *is* always fun to play with :D)!

  2. I like the color combo and as you said, it is casual but not too casual. Very cute.

    Sorry to hear about the acne. simple witch hazel always seemed to work best for me. I'd also maybe read up on it and make sure it doesn't sound like something you need to see a dermatologist about though too, if acne is not something you've ever experienced before. there are several things that look sort of like acne, but are not (and therefore the skin care is different).

    Even if things are busy at work, have a good weekend!

  3. Love your skirt and hair bow!

    Xo, Hannah
