
Friday, August 9, 2013

All the Details

Sometimes I wish I was one of those artsy minimalistic girls with all white walls, super chic basic clothes, and a  flickr account. I'm so not, but these photos made me feel like it for just a sec. (Maybe too many smiles here tho).

Some of you might be cringing at this outfit because you can straight up see my bra. If that bugs you, you'll have to forgive me. I was comfortable, and while I have no problem with modesty (sartorial or otherwise), I don't necessarily see the need for it. I like showing off my body sometimes.

This is Tuck. He's my sister's cat, and definitely the pretty boy of the two. He's a total butthead, though, always bullying my Kit and biting my ankles in the hallway.

Did you notice I'm wearing jeans? It's been like an entire year. American Eagle is selling high rise jeggings, and I got these on sale for $30 during tax free weekend. I <3 jeggings.

Yesterday I was out trying to take some decent pictures and this cloud of fucking gnats kept harassing me. I actually ran around the house and they just followed me, and were even waiting by the camera after I went inside to get the bug spray (which they were impervious too, btw). In the taller grass there were a ton of spiders, the crawly brown kind that don't make webs, and while I'm not a total pansy when it comes to bugs, I was getting pretty skeeved out. I saw this millipede lookin mofo and that's when I gave up. Nature, why you gotta play me like that? I'm definitely not a bug person. You might say "Ugh who is?" But there are plenty of them. And my roomate is like their queen.

shirt: Forever 21
jeans, hat: American Eagle
belt, bag: Goodwill
shoes: Asos
necklace: Modcloth
ring: Bellatrina on Etsy
bracelet: Target

I am so ready to dye my hair again.


  1. Love this outfit! You are you, and you is better than some flickr girl. :D I don't think this is too immodest, people wear bikinis, why can't a person wear a lace top with a bra? It's pretty. I wouldn't wear it b/c it doesn't socially fit me (mom) but if it were 5 years ago why not!? :D

  2. I love high rise jeggings. And your sister's cat is so cool!

    xx Sophie

  3. Gooosh you're too cute! I love your hair and hat, so cute! Although, the whole look is flawless and simple!

  4. I LOVE the look of a dark bra under a light lace! So adorable. You know the cutest cats! Jeans look great on you and are a refreshing change! (rare to say because most people live in jeans! i love that about you that you don't so jeans are way FUN to see!)


  5. loving those jellies! HOW CUTE. and the hat is awesome too of course

  6. That is the cutest top, though I don't know if I'd have the courage to wear it quite like that!

    You look great in that hat too. Hoping to see you in even more of them :D

  7. Great look, I lvoe croquet top crop!
    Great style!
    follow me on
