
Thursday, June 27, 2013


I am sofa king proud of these pictures.
Yeah I am well aware that I forgot to smile in any of them, I had some issues keeping myself in frame (?) and you can't really see what I'm wearing. But that light. You know that golden hour that is everyone's favorite part of the day because everything is all yellow and looks like a vintage photograph that was brought to life? I set out to capture it with this shoot! I live at the bottom of a hill and we really don't get any of the beautiful light this time of day, so instead I drove about 5 minutes up the road to a field that I don't think belongs to anyone.

I was also rockin the hipster look today with my cutoff overalls, thick framed glasses, and beanie. I've been called a hipster on occasion (by people who don't know what a hipster is). I am not cool enough to deserve the title at all... I only found out about Vampire Weekend when they had a music video on MTV my senior year! Also I don't smoke weed.

I have been addicted to spikes lately. Desperately searching for something that will make me look cooler than I am! Maybe I am secretly longing for people to scoff and mutter "hipster" as I walk by!

overalls, purse (if you can call it that... it's a glorified wallet on a string): thrifted
shirt: TJ Maxx, DIY'd into a crop top
beanie, shoes: Target
socks: Old Navy
bee pin: for sale in my shop!

If you've ever wanted to pull over and take pictures on the side of the road but never did for fear of people thinking you're a weenie, I highly recommend it. I've never regretted it, and it's kind of a rush! Once a friendly old guy asked if I was having car trouble, but that's the only time anyone's ever stopped.

I left my car door open this time, and a little buggy flew into my car. It somehow wedged itself into the crevice where the windshield meets the dashboard and it kept buzzing, trying to fly out. I was eyeing it warily, mentally preparing myself to help it out with a piece of paper or something when I got home, but it managed to crawl it's way on out and flew right at me! I don't know where it went, but it wasn't in my hair (my first priority) so I hope it got out of my car safely. 

I've been using my Mom's Canon Rebel camera all summer. But I'm saving up for my own so it won't break my heart when I go back to school! Any recommendations?

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  1. These pictures are gorgeous! And I love how you paired the striped top with the overalls, they look great together. Hipster is such a broad term these days, I feel like anyone who uses the word negatively is just jealous that you have good style or music taste :)

  2. These photos are just so awesome! Cuteeeee outfit :D

    Any Canon Rebel is good! You can also compare two models by using this website

    1. Omgosh thankyou for that link, I'll definitely use it while researching!

  3. I love these pictures! You're adorable. x


  4. These photos are awesome! And lol at the "sofa king" thing...I've never seen that before. I've also never heard of Vampire Weekend. Actually, I had, but I thought it was a show on the CW or something. Does that make me not a hipster or just old? Haha.

    - Hannah
    she could be a pharmer in those clothes

    1. Haha I think it's kind of adorable that you've never heard of Vampire Weekend. I used to hear kids say "sofa king" in daycare, it was like a trick you'd play on someone, trying to get people to say it! ha.

  5. I love your overalls!! That really looks like such a comfy and fun outfit to wear!

  6. woooahhhh totally loving the light in these photos girl! way to go!

  7. Woah, the light in these pictures is gorgeous!

  8. The light definitely adds to these photos. Good photography work!
