
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Polka Dots

 Well I've had a productive weekend! I sewed myself up not one, but two dresses. The first one turned out pretty messy but I plan on wearing it anyway. This is the second, and I whipped it up in about three hours. If I sound like I'm bragging you'll have to forgive me, but I'm pretty impressed with myself.
 I totally forgot to take pictures of it without the jacket, but it's sleeveless.
 Oh and I also included a couple of way too cute pictures with Travis because I thought we matched pretty nicely.
 What'd I tell you? Way too cute.
The cardigan is Travis's and the shoes were a DIY.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Art Lately

So here's some of the fashion-y pieces I've done in the last month or so! This first one might end up being a print in my shop soon, so stay tooned! (Get it cuz its art)
This one was inspired by a photo I saw on tumblr, and by the jar of glitter in my drawer.
Also inspired by a couple of tumblr photos.
Boy with cat and paramecium sweater.
These four were designs I entered in Modcloth's most recent Make the Cut contest. They didn't make the cut though haha.

Thanks for looking, guys! If you have any suggestions on what I should print and sell, I'd love some feedback! I've also listed custom blog headers and portraits for super cheap in my shop!

Monday, March 25, 2013


 So I got to go to Virgina over spring break to visit my family! I used to live in Herndon, which is pretty close to Washington DC, and my Dad's side of the family still lives in the area. I haven't really seen most of them since I moved away when I was 6, but it was totally fun and not even a little awkward!
 These first pictures are from a garden/arboretum near my aunt and uncle's house. I think it would have been prettier in the summer.
Emmy with a snow drop.
 Me and Dad on an uprooted tree.
 Me and Emma with our cousin, Claire! She was so fun.
 We went to a fabric store.
 And we hung out with a swan. His right wing was missing!
 Okay now this was seriously cool. We visited Luray caverns, this huge underground cave system. It was breathtaking to see all this beautiful stuff that's been under the earth for like, millions of years!
 Me in front of "Dream Lake" or "The Lake of Dreams" or something. It's like a big old puddle that looks deeper than it is because of the insane reflections.
 My Oma and Opa when they were young. I wish I got to know them better! I also wish I had her clothes.
 My Opa in the air force. He's in the center on the bottom there.

It was really so much fun, and I hope we get to go back and visit again!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

2 Cool

How I felt in this outfit: way cooler than I am.
Some guy asked me if I was "dressed up for any particular reason". I was like "Homeslice this is the least dressy outfit I've worn in weeks." But maybe he thought I was going to a 90s costume party, I don't know.
A lot of people seem to think these tights are risque. You see garter tights all over the fashion blogs, but no one in real life wears them. At least I've never seen anyone wearing them, and I've gotten some "oh my gosh"s before. Another guy today asked me if they let me wear this at school. I was like "Damn, do I look that slutty?" I mean like, overalls are more farmer than flirty.
I really don't care if people think I look slutty, though. I mean, no one here is going to turn me down for a job or anything, so.
plaid shirt, overalls, backpack: thrifted
tights: charlotte russe
shoes: blowfish
tshirt: target
necklace: modcloth

Friday, March 22, 2013

Flock Together

Hey dudes! Check out my restyling of this pretty lacey dress today on Flock Together!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


 We had a caricature workshop in class, and I got to be drawn by a professional artist!
 Me and my friends Laura and Sam make a little clay family.
 Super Travis.
 My sister Emma in front of an old Coke mural.
 They colored the water in the fountains green in downtown Greenville. Maybe for St. Patrick's Day, maybe to freak people out. Maybe to mimic the town's name.
Cute new spring packaging for my shop!
In bio we got to look at plant cells through a microscope. It was super cool, I even got to take a video of it, the chloroplasts are actually floating around in there! In the background you can hear my teacher talking (she's from Ethiopia) and hear the music she had playing. So we could watch the cells dance. Haha.

ALSO! Just so you guys know, GFC is not shutting down. Just Google Reader. I did some research, and that's not the feed on the blogger homepage, it's separate. But if you guys want to, follow me on bloglovin!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

From the Mountains

 So I'm back from spring break and my trip to Virginia!
I spent about half of spring break throwing up a lot. A whole lot.
But the trip to Virginia was great, however brief! I got to hang out with my cousins, hear family stories and see old photos, go to a great big old cavern and eat some fudge!
 Oh and I also bought this dress! My cousin Claire took us downtown and I got it at a real cute boutique. I'd been eyeing it on modcloth for awhile now (it's on sale there!) but I'm glad I got it at the boutique. The size large I'm wearing is still pretty snug, and I totally would've bought a medium. It cost the same at the store and this way I didn't have to pay shipping! I love the way it looks on me.
 I also got a cute leather kitty change purse at the caverns gift shop. Don't know what the hell it has to do with caverns but.
 I'll have some pictures from my trip up later this week!
dress: the Yellow Button boutique
necklace, hat: f21
shoes: DIY + Target

Monday, March 18, 2013

On Changing Everything

So my hair is red! It's not as red as I'd like it to be, but this is the best I could get it with two boxes of auburn hair dye from Walmart. And to be fair, it does look redder in real life.
 I still have split ends that need to be dealt with, though. I'm thinking of chopping it all off into a bob this summer!
Now about this dress. This is like the third time I've worn it since I got it last July. You may be saying, "Rachel, what the hell, this dress is wonderful why haven't you worn it more?" And my only excuse is that I forgot about it. That's right. It does make me feel like a princess though with its sheer sleeves, pretty pleats, and below the knee length. Probably my best thrift store find ever. The fabric is a little static-clingy, though, and that gets annoying real quick when you're walking around.
 I go through these phases every couple of months or so where I just want to change everything about myself. Where I just want to be cooler and better at everything. Like my art: I don't do enough of it and it's not good enough. It's not innovative enough, it's not funny or pretty or diverse enough. And the way I dress: why can't I be that girl who throws on a t-shirt? Why don't I own some dr. martens and have a tattoo? And it's not just superficial. Why aren't I nicer? Why do I talk too much? Why can't I be happy with the way I am for crying out loud. So yeah this hair thing might be a symptom.
 Some of these are out of focus because I took the camera off auto haha.
dress: thrifted
shoes: modcloth
socks: old navy
ring, bow in my hair: etsy