
Sunday, March 24, 2013

2 Cool

How I felt in this outfit: way cooler than I am.
Some guy asked me if I was "dressed up for any particular reason". I was like "Homeslice this is the least dressy outfit I've worn in weeks." But maybe he thought I was going to a 90s costume party, I don't know.
A lot of people seem to think these tights are risque. You see garter tights all over the fashion blogs, but no one in real life wears them. At least I've never seen anyone wearing them, and I've gotten some "oh my gosh"s before. Another guy today asked me if they let me wear this at school. I was like "Damn, do I look that slutty?" I mean like, overalls are more farmer than flirty.
I really don't care if people think I look slutty, though. I mean, no one here is going to turn me down for a job or anything, so.
plaid shirt, overalls, backpack: thrifted
tights: charlotte russe
shoes: blowfish
tshirt: target
necklace: modcloth


  1. I love those shoes and, overall, the 90's highschool kid vibe is just rad :)xx

  2. This outfit is the coolest! Sometimes you just need to feel like a badass. The garter tights are a fantastic touch. Aren't people funny sometimes? It's like they've never seen a fashion blogger before! :)
    What a cute elephant bracelet, too!

  3. I don't think they look slutty, though it isn't really a "work" outfit, it looks great for everyday.

    I really like that it looks like something from She's All That or other nineties high school rom-com.

  4. Hi! Just stumbled upon your blog and had to say that I love your glasses + lip stick combo! Super gorgeous.

  5. i think they look pretty damn awesome on you. I think the overalls kind of negate the riskiness of the suspender type tights (which in my opinion are amazing!) so i think the look works really well. plus you look happy and confident in them and that is the ultimate sign of a good outfit!xxx
