
Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Reds and Blues

 Pleats are my new favorite thing.
 So, I guess it's Monday again! I had a really nice weekend. I stayed with my boyfriend (like I do basically every weekend) and bought a lot more things than I should! Speaking of Travis, since Valentine's Day is coming up, I'm planning on a little feature as an excuse to talk about him more! I mean, honestly, he is pretty fashionable in my humble non-biased opinion, so there's no shame in putting him up on my fashion blog, right?
 Getting back from my lovely weekend sure was a snap to reality though. Last night it was all meetings that group members didn't show up for and package design that didn't come easy to me! At least I got to do laundry. I'm assuming I'm not the only fashion blogger that likes doing laundry? I mean, it's an excuse to stare at my pretty, clean clothes. Anyone? Anyone?
 Now let's all go have a great week!


  1. You guys are adorable :) New follower here! I am really enjoying your blog, you have great style! Hope you're weekend was lovely :)


  2. You and your boyfriend are too cute! And I agree, he I pretty stylish. This dress is adorable every time you wear it, the cardigan looks perfect with it.

  3. You two are so cute! And, yes, he is definitely a stylish one :)

  4. He definitely has style! Wow. My guy is more of a tee-shirt and jeans guy haha. Although, I was totally thinking of posting about him since its his birthday month and Valentines too! It's awesome to see the man behind the blogger :)
    And yes, I totally think Nate deserves what he's worked for but I feel like he used his talent more fully in The Format. I still like FUN. but they're no comparison to The Format. It's just wierd to have your favorite little indie band go mainstream and make it big, haha. Happy to meet a fellow Format fan! :)
    Oh, and thanks for your sweet comment! Glad to know the pics turned out better than what I saw in the mirror lol, I was a bit worried at first.

  5. That dress is so pretty, and including your boyfriend's outfit is such a cute idea! How appropriate for the month ;D!

    <3 Megan

  6. you two are too cute!! you bf def is stylish I agree and glad you can spend weekends w/ him. my hubs and i seem to spend all weekends studying nowadays. anyway, always love that little dress on you!
