
Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I got such a nice response about my weekly drawing idea that I'm sure I'll be able to stick to it! Nothing like praise as a motivator, am I right?
 So this is my new favorite cardigan. It's been a nice and toasty substitute for my coat that I left at my boyfriend's apartment. I'm sure you guys figured that in SC we have mild winters. But the other day we got our first ice of the season! We rarely get much snow (if we do it's at my home, towards the mountains), and instead we usually get a few ices. Ice is considerably less pretty, and no one knows how to drive in it. Our city probably doesn't even own salt trucks, so they're like "WHAT? Ice? Just cancel everything."
 My Mom got a fancy camera, which means I can do silly .gif's again.
 dress: handmade by me, skirt DIY here
tights: romwe
cardigan, red shirt: Goodwill
sandals: thrift store
Dunno if you can see my teddy bear button, but I got it from Megan. Isn't it cuuuute?


  1. Love your illustrations, you're so talented! Your cities reaction to ice is pretty much the same as Britons reaction to snow, the whole country just shuts down XD

  2. Hooray another outfit drawing! I totally agree that praise and compliments are such great motivators, which is why having a blog is so encouraging! Love that your paired the ocean with the sky, and blue/ red/ cream has been one of my favorite color combos lately! I am actually in the process of making over my room in cream/ mint/ red (with pink too)! :)
    xo Hannah

  3. Haha! The gif is cute...speaking of cute, I'm really glad you are continuing with the illustrations.

    I like the outfit- it is like a scene with the ocean on the bottom and a blue sky with happy clouds above it!

  4. Love the GIF! :] I also really enjoy your illustrations! What program(s) do you use? I have been super interested in digital illustrations like this, but I do not even know where to begin when making my own. (I have so many questions and it's hard to find a "starting point"!)

    1. Thankyou! I am usually a traditional artists, so digital is pretty new territory for me! I use Photoshop Elements, which came with the wacom tablet I have.

    2. You're most welcome! I *just* bought the Bamboo Create package about two weeks ago. I am totally unfamiliar with any of the programs it came with so it's a little intimidating to me! But I really want to share my illustrations digitally. I just don't know where to start! Gah. Haha, any PSE tips would be appreciated :]

    3. My biggest tip on going from traditional to digital art is to draw your sketch on paper and then scan it in. Then you can either color the hand-drawn line art (by setting your scan layer to multiply and then coloring on a new layer under it) or trace the line art in PSE. Also try messing around with pen pressure, mine is pretty hit or miss. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't haha. And I find that tumblr or deviantart is a good place to put your stuff out there!

  5. oh. my. gosh. i just frickin love yoU!!!!!!!!!! everything about this is awesome :)

  6. Oh my goodness! I am almost convinced I have that same cardigan-also thrifted! I wore it not too long ago on the blog actually. Love the way you styled it! That scarf underneath was the perfect touch.

  7. What a fun post!! Love the drawing of course, and that gif is so cute! haha Love the colors here, and the mix of wave + cloud is great!

    <3 Megan

  8. Haha I love the gif! You made the dress? Talent! And I love that cardi! keep doing the cute drawings, I love them!

  9. That dress is absolutely adorable! Love the clouds. That gif is cute, too!

  10. I love everything about this!
