
Monday, December 24, 2012

A Little Pep

 How about this cute little peplum?
I borrowed it from Elana of Room 334. It's got cute little bunnies on it, if you look up close! I've always wanted to try a peplum out, but I've never gotten around to buying one.
 Some people have noticed that I'm wearing some short sleeved things of late, even though it's the middle of December. That's because this is South freaking Carolina and we don't get real winters. Although I was kind of chilly while shooting this outfit...
It's nice to still be able to show off your outfit instead of hiding in a coat all winter long, but I've always wanted a white Christmas. Snow is really magical (at least to this southern girl), and we barely get one snowfall a year. Normally it's a couple of ice storms that no one knows how to drive in, and then some really cold, grey rain.
I didn't plan this double collar thing, but I am really loving it. Even my sister told me I looked cute.

dress: trollied dolly via modcloth (stylish surprise)
scissors bracelet: modcloth
peplum: borrowed from Elana
tights: charlotte russe (how do you even pronounce "russe?")
tie: from another dress, forever 21
bow pin, boots: Goodwill

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. Such a sweet outfit! That collar is gorgeous! <3

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  2. It looks so cute on you! You can totally pull off the peplum. I'm really digging the double collar thing too, I might have to try that!

  3. I really wish I could have had a white Christmas too. Anyway your outfit is really cute and I love your shoes :)

  4. you look so pretty in this dress :)

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