
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Speed Limit

My neck is really long and skinny. Now don't think I'm complaining! I really don't mind, it's just an observation. 
 I thought it would be a nice thing to tell you guys actual stories from my life in these posts. "Haven't you been doing that already, Rachel?" Well, no. I've been telling you about fashion and sewing and little lifestyle snippets, but I love love love reading about people's real lives. Thoughts, emotions, quirks, you know. And I love talking about myself! So here we go.

I used to drive really fast. Like on the interstate my average was 90mph. I hit 110 once when I was in a hurry. On backroads I usually stuck to 55mph. And would you believe it, I never got in a wreck! Or even got pulled over! Suffice it to say I was incredibly lucky. Then 2 years ago, my sister crashed the car. My car to be precise. She was fine except for some bumps and bruises (and being incredibly shaken up),  but the car was TOTALLED. The lady she rear-ended was really crotchety for someone who's tank of a cadillac had a dented fender, and was still shouting when I arrived at the scene 30 minutes later.

So that is the story of why I obey the speed limit.
This dress was from Goodwill. A posher-than-average Goodwill near my school. By that I mean there was no dollar rack and the clothes were organized by color on round racks. I swapped the buttons on it for daisy ones I found at Walmart!
 dress, shirt: Goodwill
shoes: Rack Room (I love them!)
necklace: Modcloth


  1. aw i love how you swapped the dress with daisy buttons. and i think my suburb *only* has posh goodwills- i've never seen a dollar rack! i feel cheated. and i got into an accident once too, but it's so hard to go that speed limit. we've got lead feet ;)

    1. Thankyou!
      Haha I once went to a Goodwill with a 50 cents rack. I mean, how can you say no when it's that cheap?
      I ran over my parent's mailbox once.

  2. I love how you swapper the buttons, I have done that a few times and its such an instant easy makeover! Keep the life snippets coming they're fun to read!
    xo Hannah

    1. Thanks! I love reading other people's so be prepared to hear me ramble!

  3. I adore your necklace and your shoes! And I definitely love reading about the lives of others on their blogs so I'm glad you shared this story with us. It's always good to drive the speed limit. ;)


  4. Ugh, I wish I had the motivation to swap buttons like you do. These ones are seriously so cute. You manage to get the best thrift store finds, you're putting the rest of us to shame!

  5. I love that too you're wearing over your dress! I want a posh goodwill! Lol. Those shoes are just to die for! And um I was a terrible speeder too for years. I never wrecked but I did get quite a few tickets and after having my license suspended for a month I decided I best shape up :)

    1. The shoes were BOGO at Rack Room! Haha I'm glad my sister wanted boots because that made these half price!
