
Monday, October 1, 2012

DIY Shoe Straps

Here's a quick DIY for adding a strap to your shoes! It's really easy and really cuteifies them, I think!
1. First, you'll need some shoes and some matching elastic. Mine is a stretchy lace and velvet setup I found at Hobby Lobby, and the shoes are second hand suede. You'll also need some scissors and hot glue.
2. Put the shoe on, and wrap the elastic around your foot where you want the strap to be.
 3. Cut it at the right length.
 4. Hot glue the elastic down on the inside of your shoe.
 5. Glue it on the other side, and you're done!
 You can try using a stronger glue if you don't want to walk on eggshells. Forgive the pun.


  1. Oh my goodness, instant Mary Janes - you are too clever! I so want to do this thanks so much for the idea! Also, I love your re-style to the previous pink dress! I have never tried to take in a dress or shorten the sleeves, but it definitely is next on my list! Usually I have a big pile that needs hemming so starting to think about other types of alterations gets too overwhelming for me!
    Happy October and hope you're having a great day!
    xo Hannah

    1. Thanks so much, I'm glad you like the idea!
      I know, hemming is basically my go-to, since it really updates the dress with very little work haha.
      So glad Halloween is on the way!

  2. what a perfect idea, it just gives the shoes a whole new look. Genius!


  3. I have a question: Do the Strap support your flot, or is it just for the look? I never wear pumps or ballerinas beceause my heels swoops. So know i am looking for a Way to buy pumps and make a strap like Mary Jane shoes, but it has to support my foot, so the heel doesnt swoop. I hope it makes sense ? :)

    - Pernille from Denmark.
