
Saturday, August 11, 2012

DIY Wave Skirt

Here's an ombre skirt I made recently! And here's how you can make it, too.
1. Get some fabric and elastic. I used a cotton poly blend in aquamarine and a 1.5 inch elastic.
2. Wrap the elastic around your waist and cut it so it's the right length.
3. Sew the fabric to the elastic with your machine, pulling the elastic tight as you go so it kindof ruffles.
 This is what it should look like.
4. Then get your dye and prepare it the way the package says.
 5. Now tape a rod or a hanger over your pot or bucket so you don't have to hold the skirt the whole time it's dying.
 6. Dip the fabric in the dye, starting where you want your lightest color. Pull it out a few inches every 10 minutes or whenever you like the color fade.
 7. I only used half a package of dye in the bucket, and added more of the package incrementally as I went so that the bottom of the skirt would be darker than the top.
 8. After you take it out and let it dry, it should look like this!
 9. Get some cardboard and your trusty sharpie, and draw whatever pattern you want to on the skirt! I used waves because I've got some obsession with the ocean.
 10. Last, sew up the two raw edges together! And now you have a skirt! Feel free to do the dip dying process again if your ombre isn't dramatic enough. I did.
 I've got some plans for this skirt, still. Here's a hint!


  1. how adorable is this?! i love it ! ! !

    1. Thankyou! The fade looks a lot better in person haha.

  2. This is awesome! So adorable and chic. I just started following. You have an amazing back. Follow me back if you like my blog!
