
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Messy Hair

 Hey! Here is my butt.
You guys, I need a camera so bad. I hate waiting to see my boyfriend who lives 2 hours away, just to get to a camera. It does give me an excuse to go see him, though! Not that I need another.
 My hair looks a mess here. I'm trying to weasel my way into a free cut, but I don't even know what I'd want!
 I'm really self centered.
And I don't mean that in a bad way or in a good way, just in a true way.
star shirt-f21
ribbon-part of a dress from dillards
socks-old navy


  1. I love your shoes they are perfect!

    I totally understand your camera qualms. I just bought a new DSLR camera and usually have to wait until I see my boyfriend to use it for outfit shots because my crappy thrifted tripod won't work with my new one! I do however have a little point and shoot when I am taking pictures on my own, but the other takes such better pictures I usually just try and wait. Luckily he is just across town though! Bummer for two hours away, but like you say, an added reason to get to see him more often!
    Have a great day :)
    xo Hannah

    1. Thanks!
      I'm planning on getting my own camera for my birthday this summer, but then I'll have to learn to use a tripod! I'm expecting plenty of trial and error haha!
      Nice blog, by the way!
